

Describes how to read and write data from the clipboards using the R package clipr, which works well on Windows, OS X, and Unix-like systems.

2012/11/18 -Assuming you have data in the Windows clipboard (for example, copied data from Excel), to put that data into a variable named copdat in R ...

read.clipboard: shortcut for reading from the clipboard. Description. input from the keyboard is easy but a bit obscure, particularly for Mac users.

Shortcuts for reading from the clipboard or a file. Description. Input from a variety of sources may be read. Matrices or data.frames may be read from files ...

These notes explain how to move data between R and Excel and other Windows applications via the clipboard.

2023/3/28 -3 ways to import data into r using copy and paste methods like Clipr Package, read.delim() Function and Datapasta Package.

Shortcuts for reading from the clipboard or a file. Description. Input from a variety of sources may be read. Matrices or data.frames may be read from files ...

2018/11/13 -Copying and pasting data to and from the Window's clipboard to R is quick and easy. All we need to do is use the standard read.table and write.

Description. Simple utility functions to read from and write to the Windows, OS X, and X11 clipboards. Details. The basic functions read_clip() and write_clip() ...

Read clipboard. Description. Read the contents of the system clipboard into a character vector. Usage. read_clip(allow_non_interactive = Sys.getenv(" ...

A.>mine_com030435さん データ全体をわたしてるからだと思います。データ列指定してやれば結果でると思います。 *****例 **データファイル 1 1,2 3,4 5,6 **

A.ちょっと意味が分からないのですが,lme4 は混合モデルのパッケージです。 しかし,質問の場合,glm 関数であり,混合モデルではないので,パッケージ lme4 は不要です。 しかも,dum...