


  • 天気:曇り曇り 26℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
  • 住所:滋賀県甲賀市信楽町田代桃谷300
  • 電話:0748-82-3411
  • 最寄り駅:バス停(ミホミュージアム/帝産湖南交通)徒歩7分
  • 営業時間:
    営業時間外-営業開始 10:00





The Miho Museum has been conceived as a real-world version of this village. We hope you will enjoy the harmonious blend of natural beauty, architecture, art and ...

The Museum is temporarily closed. The next exhibition will be held from September 28 through December 15, 2024. 日本語; English; 简体中文 · 繁體中文 ...

The Miho Museum is located southeast of Kyoto, Japan, in the Shigaraki neighborhood of the city of Kōka, in Shiga Prefecture. It is also the headquarters of ...

2023/6/9 -The Miho Museum stands deep in the forested hill west of central Koka and can be visited in a side trip from Kyoto. It was designed by the ...

The museum is really hidden in the mountains, accessible by traversing a tunnel either on foot or with an electric trolley. The museum offers not many, but ...

Miho Museum is situated amid the abundant natural beauty of the mountains of Shigaraki and was designed by Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei, ...

The Miho Museum Bridge was ecologically designed by LERA to span the deep valley without the intervention of piers rising up from the ground.

2015/6/5 -The Miho Museum was a joint Japanese and American project completed by architect IM Pei and Kibowkan International, Inc. in August of 1996 on a scenic ...

2020/9/2 -Miho Museum: · Reservations are required at this time. Book your tickets before leaving home. · The hours are 10 am to 5 pm · Closed Mondays and ...

2022/12/13 -The Miho Museum is a modern museum with a mystifying history. Nestled in the mountains of Shigaraki southeast of Kyoto (an area traditionally ...



MIHO MUSEUMは、滋賀県甲賀市信楽町田代にある滋賀県の登録博物館。 アプローチは、土木学会デザイン賞 2001 優秀賞 受賞。-Wikipedia