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2022/7/24 -... hounds do the hunting themselves. They are often very agile with excellent stamina and a keen sense of smell. Beagles, greyhounds, basset ...

The breed's standard says: "Noted for stamina, endurance, agility, determination, and aggressiveness when hunting, the powerful, well muscled, yet ...

Sight hounds, which are known for their speed, stealth, and stamina, and Scent hounds known for their heightened sense of smell, and ability to track and ...

Scent Hound breeds love the great outdoors and generally have a lot of stamina, having been bred to follow long scent trails. Unlike Sighthounds, which are ...

... Hound is known for its stamina, determination, and robustness. There's no single acknowledged breed that was used to create the Finnish Hound, but it is ...

Most hounds share the common ancestral trait of being used for hunting. ... Others demonstrate a phenomenal gift of stamina as they relentlessly run down quarry.

2013/5/5 -Moderate free exercise such as short walks, hikes in the woods, etc. Fun, non-impact training such as Sit, Stay, Come, targeting, low agility ...

Scent Hound breeds love the great outdoors and generally have a lot of stamina, having been bred to follow long scent trails. Unlike Sighthounds, which are ...

2018/4/3 -The Estonian Hound has great stamina and energy, an excellent nose, and they have a high prey drive. This hound is a hardy dog, able to ...