

2021/11/18 -The following script takes pictures with numerical file names. The advantage over raspistill is it takes one picture and then quits, so it won't use memory ...

2021/2/1 -Once your Raspberry Pi has captured several images, you can use mencoder to stitch them together into one single video output. Go into the ...

2023/5/8 -Run MPlayer On Raspberry Pi. After the installation is complete, you may start MPlayer by heading to your Raspberry Pi system's program menu, ...

2016/10/3 -There's an updated mplayer executable available here. It also contains the corresponding mencoder. This works here streaming R4 fine just like ...

2022/10/14 -According to my research, it would seem that the RPI4 is capable of hardware-accelerated video encoding using ffmpeg (from v4.3 on) via the ...

2019/9/19 -Raspberry Pi has been used to play video and music since the very first board landed in the hands of an enthusiast.

mplayer is a movie player for Linux (runs on many other platforms and CPU architectures, see the documentation). It plays most MPEG/VOB, AVI, ASF/WMA/WMV, RM, ...

2019/9/21 -Using a camera on a Pi, you can stream a video signal over netcat to an mplayer process on a different Pi connected to an LCD display, with ...

My camera system is a LOREX with RTSP streams available. A command line sample for mplayer mplayer -nosound -framedrop -ao null - ...

2016/10/2 -I've tried installing the mplayer package, but it installs mplayer2, which seems to have been abandoned for a few years. As I've been having ...