


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • ... time limit. Frank's camera returns as a key gameplay feature, allowing players to earn points by taking photos of various scenarios, including drama, horror ...


    1日前 -Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Store | Hub. Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. 12 playing 12 hours ago. 47 24-hour peak. 725 all-time peak. Created with Highstock ...

    Recently my videos have felt rushed and less quality in them, so Im taking time to make better content, other than roblox, hopefully you guys love dead ...

    YouTube-Toxic Nugget

    3日前 -r/deadrising: A Subreddit For ALL DEAD RISING Games.

    5日前 -... タイムを要する。 なお、おもちゃの銃は銃火器判定が無く、投擲と同様のダメージを連続して与えられる。ヘリコプターに対しては非常に有効なので、一丁持ち込んでおく ...

    Well this is what happens when you try to mod a game with absolutely ZERO knowledge on how to do so. At least I ended up with a pretty funny cutscene and a ...

    YouTube-Kyle Evans

    5日前 -So it's weird, I've been using Watchdog for some challenges because the TimeSkip mod I use to record everything doesn't give the most time to actually do the ...

    Dead Rising 2 - Plot After a new batch of the zombie outbreak is let loose in Fortune City, Nevada, a new terrifying fight for survival begins.

    YouTube-The Holy Hippo

    6日前 -... time!Combo Weapons: Players can combine two everyday items using duct tape to create the ultimate zombie killing creations such as the Portamower and ...

    4日前 -This Piece is inspired by Dead Rising 2: Case Zero! Dead Rising 2 Case Zero is DLC to Dead Rising 2 that acts as prequel! I totally suggest it! ;D iHatter ...

    A.基本的に序盤は経験値10%UPの雑誌装備しての獲得経験値の多い合成武器でゾンビ倒しまくってました 娘にゾンブレックス間に合わなくても 真相は不明のまま続けられるとファミ通に書いてました あと


    A.自分のミッションへの影響は無いです。PP、お金、コンボカードのみが自分のセーブデータに引き継がれます。 説明書に書いてあるので読みましょう。