

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/12/17 -サモンシンカー、ガーディアンブレスは諦める。 (ガーディアンブレスは軽やかな足取りと選択枠) <ポイント> ・換装するのは「称号」「足」「アバター装備1か所 ...

    , I'll show you where to find the SINKER ... Another Crab's Treasure SINKER Stowaway location ... Before You Summon ANY Character...Watch These Essential Wuthering ...


    2024/5/19 -サモン・ラット, 25, 10, 打, ザコ敵「ジャイアント・ラット」のドロップシャード怪鼠「ジャイアント・ラット」を召喚して敵にけしかけるランク:活動時間アップ(R1:約3秒 ...

    2023/11/24 -トレブルフックに装着することによってルアーのウエイトアップを図るチューニングパーツ。 1個につき約2gウエイトアップできます。 センターバランス型のトレブルフックに ...

    2023/9/30 -The sinker will rise from the floor at the current room. It will then summon three minions, also known as M-55. It and the minions will check all lockers in ...

    2024/1/18 -Serene Sinker3-hit, 1600% Water damage to a foe ... Halluel and Malluel (Summon) ... Massive Earth damage to all foes, bonus damage to all foes and allies. 9 turns.

    2023/8/1 -I missed out on SS Steven last year and I'm still punching my self for that so I decided that on Wednesday I will summon for Gloria. The bait this time ...

    2023/12/3 -He has large hurtboxes both on the ground and in the air, and is the tallest character in the game - except when he decides to Crawl and be the shortest (and ...


    2023/9/4 -... Sinker : Upgrade to boost starting depth. (Lv. 10 Sinker : 165) Upgrade Line-Hook as priority and upgrade sinker if become.

    2023/8/27 -If you don't know what you're doing and even if you think you do, there is an inherent danger that the spirit you try to summon will not be that spirit at all.