

2023/10/3 -it means the process received a copy of another process's tcp packet. I assume it is IIS passing the clone to the worker process.

TCPCopy - A TCP Stream Replay Tool. TCPCopy is a TCP stream replay tool to support real testing of Internet server applications.

TCPCopy is a TCP stream replay tool to support real testing of Internet server applications.

TCPCopy copies packets on the online server, modifies TCP/IP headers, and sends modified packets to the target test server.

2023/7/4 -TCP copy is when a process receives a copy of another process' TCP packets, period. it doesn't tell you why. Usually this is for antivirus, ...

2021/10/19 -I believe "TCPCopy" event indicates that the received TCP packet is cloned/mirrored by another program (typically antivirus).

2013/11/13 -TCPCopy is a TCP stream replay tool mainly developed by NetEase and also contributed by developers in other companies (e.g., Taobao).

2023/6/1 -Hi, I'm using Process Monitor as well as Microsoft Network Monitor to monitor the Chrome process activities and network traffic for a file ...

2020/5/7 -tcpcopy笔记-使用tcpcopy进行流量复制 · 一个客户请求到达线上机器; · 拷贝IP层(或者数据链路层)的包到tcpcopy进程; · tcpcopy修改包的目的及源地址, ...

2022/11/3 -tcpcopy 中定义了一个session,用来维护不同的连接信息,对于抓的不同数据包,会做不同的处理: –Syn 包,新的连接请求,分配源ip,修改目的ip, port, ...