
2021/5/20 -... (GNU as, Linux x64) .data msg: .asciz "Hello world!\n" .set msglen ... how to define a structure in ARM assembly language using as assembler?

2015/7/20 -環境はWindows7(32bit)&cygwinのgcc/gas(x86)で試した。 ".struct"で構造体を定義し、その後サイズ(item_length)を算出する。

15 Structures. A structure is a user-defined data type that holds various fields of data. Each field has a name and a data type specified in the structure's ...

2019/10/16 -GNU as has no support for structures of any kind. ... The best is to always inspect the structure of the produced assembly and produce portable ...

2015/11/27 -この記事で紹介した命令の使い方を紹介するサンプルコードです. structure.asm. Copied! section .data msg db 'Takoyaki', ...

An operating system consists of many software components that together make a computer do useful jobs. It includes code for low-level functionality, such as the ...

2018/3/11 -Cの構造体GASではクラスと呼ぶ。クラスにはメンバ変数の他,メンバ関数がある。それらはインスタンスに「.」でつなげて指定する。例えば次の ...

The Sustainability reporting guidance for the oil and gas industry is a key tool to help companies shape the structure and content of their sustainability ...

The toxin is a 370-residue, zinc metalloenzyme that has phospholipase C activity, and can bind to membranes in the presence of calcium. The crystal structure of ...

It has 12 regular pentagonal faces, 20 vertices, and 30 edges. As an H40O20 unit of water structure, each vertex is the site of an oxygen atom and each edge an ...