

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/8/26 -The Android.mk file resides in a subdirectory of your project's jni/ directory, and describes your sources and shared libraries to the build system.

    2024/9/12 -If your app uses any NDK libraries, either directly or indirectly through an SDK, then you will need to rebuild your app for it to work on these 16 KB devices.

    2024/9/11 -When you upload new APKs with accompanying assets, make sure asset and expansion files have the same name as previously uploaded versions of the same file.

    2024/8/16 -This tutorial demonstrates how to bundle C/C++ sources in a Flutter plugin and bind to them using the Dart FFI library on both Android and iOS.

    2024/9/17 -Apktool can help disassemble resources to nearly original form. Assemble. Want to translate an app? Change a permission? Apktool can help you do that.

    2024/7/30 -I just get the output Error: Unable to get working directory for project Miscellaneous Files - file RunTestsHandler.cs line 124 in my .NET Test log.

    2024/8/24 -assets 폴더 아래에 ASDP라는 폴더를 만들고 암호화 하려는 asset들을 모두 이 폴더로 이동하십시오. ASDP안의 asset들은 실링 시 자동으로 암호화 되고 앱에서 ...

    2024/9/11 -The MQDH File Manager centralizes file management in MQDH, including on-device apps, recorded metrics, images, and videos associated with the device and MQDH.

    2024/9/12 -このページでは,次のことを行う. Android NDK のダウンロードとインストール; Android NDK に同封のサンプルプログラムのコンパイル; (オプション)Android toolchain ...

    2024/8/16 -Android 11(API レベル 30)をサポートするには、パッケージの公開設定 <queries> 要素が AR Foundation の ARCore Extensions(1.19 以降)に追加されました。