


  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • As the sun sets over the land of Valisthea, strange, dark crystals begin to circulate on the black market. Could they be the sinister fruit of a ...

    YouTube-Stutter Matt Gaming

    6時間前 -I'm calling it now, 'Shadowlord' is simply going to turn out to be a roegadyn pirate corrupted by a Voidsent, and 'Castle Zvahl' is going to be a Turalian ruin ...

    15時間前 -As Final Fantasy 14 prepares to launch the Dawntrail expansion, Creative Studio 3 has already revealed that a crossover with Final Fantasy 11 via the Echoes of ...

    ... Final Fantasy XVI The Rising Tide AVVISO: IL GAMEPLAY POTREBBE CONTENERE SPOILER ... Final Fantasy XVI Echoes Of The Fallen Gameplay ITA Episodio 4 [PS5].

    YouTube-Diablotex Channel

    16時間前 -Genshin Impact studio's new roguelike RPG joins Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail in setting early July release date to avoid Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

    3時間前 -Chained Echoes has some great reviews from the Chrono Trigger community. I know it's not Final Fantasy, and I've been disappointed with similar reviews (Sea of ...

    22時間前 -This was underscored by the release of two DLC expansions, Echoes of the Fallen and The Rising Tides with the latter featuring a new region and new Eikon ...

    21時間前 -Wuthering Waves is Live in All Regions! ☆ Character Tier List | Beginner Guide | Rerolling ☆ Redeem Codes and Rewards ☆ Lists: Characters | Echoes | Weapons

    12時間前 -Anyways, loving the game so far. Just got the fourth Eikon ability set. It took me three tries to get into the game but now that I am, it's incredible!

    14時間前 -You'll need to upgrade your data bank level if you want to get high-tier echoes, and here's how you can easily do that. 2 days ago. someone in the ...

    A.ベリーハード2以降は敵の攻撃力のみが増加します。 敵のHPや防御力、倒した時に得られる経験値やドロップアイテムは1~10で同じなので、キャラ育成はベリーハード1でも大丈夫です。

    A.全ての種族において最強だと思われる装備品です。 「並行世界の服」です。 これはハード以降お店に売り出されます…が! ひとつ買うのに100万ギル必要になります!! それを四人分集めるには400万...

    A.その猫が物語に関わるのは本当に最後のあたりです。 猫についてはすごくネタバレになります。もし詳しく聞きたのなら『補足』でお願いします。