

  • 最終更新日:1か月以内


    5日前 -Greg will judge the prizes on his personal interest or whims. The winner of the episode will obtain all donated prizes at the end of the episode.

    4日前 -Greg has famously scored every single prize task perfectly and without controversy. ... If the Taskmaster's prize task point system makes no sense, it is you my ...

    Taken from Series 18, Episode 1 of Taskmaster, our brand new contestants gross out Greg Davies in the first prize task of the series before trying to knock ...

    YouTube-Channel 4 Entertainment

    2日前 -ゲームセンターに登場するクレーンゲーム景品、通称プライズ景品を紹介する情報局です。各社限定のプライズアイテムを紹介します。

    2024/9/8 -This is based on the prize task released early by Channel 4 as a little preview for s18. Spoilers ahead! (See the end of the work for more notes.) Work Text ...

    2024/8/31 -A $1M+ competition to beat the ARC-AGI benchmark and open source the solution. Hosted by @mikeknoop & @fchollet.

    Taskmaster #PortsTM The second prize task for the series has been sent out, so what has Sarah tasked us to bring in? Wanted to bring something unique and ...

    YouTube-Portsmouth Taskmaster

    2024/8/28 -Each task is repeatable daily, but the NFT rewards can only be claimed once ... A total of 350,000 $ZETA prize pool, valued at approximately $450,000 to be won!

    2024/8/21 -The Chautauqua Prize is a national prize that celebrates a book of fiction or literary/narrative nonfiction that provides a richly rewarding reading experience.

    2024/9/10 -裏社会で悪魔とガキのハーフとまで言われる天羽組最高戦力の一人「小林幸真」の迫力そのままに再現した1/8スケールフィギュアが登場します。 【プライズ商品概要】. ・商品 ...