


  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • LINUX Presentation Server | Semester II | Terminal Server System Audit Mail Server VPN Server BackUP Server Radius Server Load Balance FAIL OVER cluster ...

    YouTube-Pich Walker

    6日前 -Watch this interesting Rocky Linux presentation gave on their SIGS!

    3日前 -You'll see what's already merged in the mainline Linux kernel, what's pending and what's on our roadmap. (This is a summary of our presentationLinux with ...

    6日前 -I had some problems with Presentation (Powerpoint, LO Impress alternative), but Textmaker is definitely much better with tricky Word documents, than LO Writer.

    1日前 -Free office suite – the evolution of OpenOffice. Compatible with Microsoft .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. Updated regularly, community powered.

    4日前 -This presentation is from the Paper 210A: Research Project Writing: Dissertation Writing and I choose the topic Beyond Borders: Understanding Anime and Manga ...

    2日前 -I would like some app that would just do this, catalog their local media, and offer some basic search and presentation. Playing youtube is not necessary, FF ...

    4日前 -The type of presentation aids that speakers most typically make use of are visual aids: pictures, diagrams, charts and graphs, maps, and the like. Audible aids ...

    5日前 -The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, : 4 monolithic, modular, multitasking, Unix-like operating system kernel. It was originally written in 1991 by ...

    Kernel (operating system)-Version history-Mailing list-Vmlinux

    3日前 -Demonstrates how to install the .NET SDK and the .NET Runtime on Linux without a package manager. Use the install script or manually extract the binaries.

    A.OpenOffice...ではないですかね。 個人的にはOS問わず、デファクトスタンダードな文書ソフト(例えばMS Office)と互換があれば何でも良い様な気もしますけどね。 ブラウザはFi...
