

  • 最終更新日:6か月以内
  • 2024/6/6 -PRO-MIX HP AGTIV REACH is perfect for growers that require a growing medium with good drainage, high air porosity and low water retention.

    2024/5/8 -有機系排水のバチルスバイオシステム(BBS) ... 誰もが活用を試みなかった有用微生物を有効活用!ISO14001対策に! 既存の処理槽で排水処理、悪臭の問題点を解決します。

    2024/5/14 -Premier Tech Promix HP potting soil is a premium quality substrate, made in the United States, specially designed to increase yield by up to 25%.

    2024/6/11 -This work aimed to critically review the current state of knowledge on Bacillus spore germination at a moderate HP of 50–300 MPa. In this review, the ...

    2024/7/26 -Overall, circulating LBP and Hp tended to be increased in DFM15 cows relative to DFM10 (29% and 81%, respectively), but no treatment differences were observed ...

    2024/5/30 -つまり大建中湯は、いわゆる善玉菌であるラクトバチルス菌を増やす「上質のエサ」となり、代謝産物を介して免疫機能を改善し、腸炎を抑制していたわけです。 これまでも、 ...

    2024/5/30 -乳酸菌. L.crispatus、L.gasseri、L.rhamnosus、L.acidophilusを配合. 品質と安全性が検証された4種類の乳酸桿菌を生きたままカプセルに. 品名: プロバイオティクスⅢ ...

    2024/7/13 -本品は有胞子性乳酸菌(Bacillus coagulans SANK70258)を含みます。 有胞子性乳酸菌(Bacillus coagulans SANK70258)は、便通を改善する機能が報告されています。 □1日摂取 ...

    2024/5/27 -The study investigates the role of multifarious biocontrol PGP bacteria, including Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, and B. ... H. P. (2018). Defining ...

    2024/6/7 -PRO-MIX® HP® AGTIV® REACH™ is perfect for growers that require a growing medium with good drainage, high air porosity and low water retention. The combination ...