
  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/10/2 -Bacillus subtilis spores were treated at 550 MPa and 60 °C (very HP (vHP)) in buffer, incubated after the HP treatment, and stained for FCM analysis with SYTO16 ...

    2023/11/19 -: Acid Fast Bacillus; AIP: Acute interstitial pneumonia (Hamman-Rich syndrome); ANA: Antinuclear antibody; ANCA: Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies ...

    2024/2/21 -Overall, circulating LBP and Hp tended to be increased in DFM15 cows relative to DFM10 (29 and 81%, respectively), but no treatment differences were observed ...

    2023/12/28 -私たちは、臨床検査事業を主軸としたヘルスケア事業を展開しています。「医療を支える」という責任と誇りを持ち、医療と健康の未来に貢献していきます。

    2023/8/1 -L8020乳酸菌とは歯周病、むし歯になったことのない健康な子どもの口の中から発見されたヒト由来の乳酸菌です。毎日のハミガキやマウスウォッシュ。毎日続けて80歳まで ...

    2023/6/18 -Bacillus subtilis spores were high-pressure (HP)-treated for 6 or 20 min at 150 MPa and 37 • C. The HPSD spores were isolated and re-HP-treated the day after ...

    2023/12/29 -Objectives were to evaluate the effects of Bacillus subtilis PB6 (BSP) on gastrointestinal tract permeability, metabolism, inflammation, and production ...

    2024/4/3 -920円有効微生物『TB21リキッド(50ml)』 [TB21菌 納豆菌 バチラス菌 バチルス菌 病気対策 葉面散布 スプレー うどんこ病 すす病 黒点病 安全 効能 培養 殺菌 園芸 ...

    2023/10/25 -Meier-Kolthoff JP, Auch AF, Klenk H-P, Göker M. Genome sequence-based species delimitation with confidence intervals and improved distance functions. BMC ...

    2024/2/5 -A Bacillus velezensis strain shows antimicrobial activity against soilborne and foliar fungi and oomycetes. Anna Wockenfuss1 Kevin Chan2 Jessica G. Cooper2 ...