


  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 6時間前 -From there, my connection goes through the nginx proxy manager which forwards the connection to the ip of the raspberry pi where my home assistant instance ...

    18時間前 -What do you mean by not working??? USB devices are backward compatible so using dongle on USB 2 port should work. Do you have enough power to drive it?

    8時間前 -To get started, you need a server, it can be a VPS, a Raspberry Pi, or any other server that you have SSH access to.

    16時間前 -I have a Mac laptop and a desktop, I also have a Raspberry pi 4 lying around . ... proxy for PiKVM After=syslog.target network-online.target [Service] Type ...

    19時間前 -UK budget computer firm Raspberry Pi's shares soared as much as 40% on Tuesday morning after its initial public offering (IPO).

    21時間前 -So in this guide, we'll show how to use the RISC-V cores on the RP2350 MCU, compare their performance against the Arm Cortex-M33 cores, and even build Linux for ...

    7時間前 -Have to make sure that the ServerName and ServerAlias directives in each <VirtualHost> block are correct and distinct. For example:

    15時間前 -Setup the arduino-cli on a Raspberry Pi for VS Code Remote SSH programming ... Reverse proxy configuration (Apache2) for Octoprint using a wildcard cert.

    12時間前 -In Autogen, LLM invocation is typically handled via defining an agent and a user proxy that allows human input. ... Serial Connection between Raspberry Pi and ...

    12時間前 -Raspberry Pi has become the latest British tech company to achieve unicorn status after the computing firm wooed investors with its London flotation.