

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/1/17 -The host obtains the device descriptor through a control transfer. In the transfer, the request type is GET DESCRIPTOR and the recipient is the device. The ...

    2024/1/17 -The configuration descriptor is obtained from the device through a standard device request (GET_DESCRIPTOR), which is sent as a control transfer by the USB ...

    2023/7/9 -To get the details of these descriptors, use the standard USB GET_DESCRIPTOR, but with an interface recipient. bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength.

    USB descriptors - libusb

    1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
    2. group__libusb__desc
    1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
    2. group__libusb__desc

    2024/2/1 -This page details how to examine the various standard USB descriptors for detected devices. More... Data Structures. struct, libusb_device_descriptor. A ...

    2023/12/16 -Fetch the configuration descriptor, its associated descriptors and return it. adafruit_usb_host_descriptors.get_descriptor(device, desc_type, ...

    2023/11/9 -Control Commands for USB Devices. ... USB provides the host the ability to send control ... Get Hub Descriptor (GET_DESCRIPTOR); Set Hub ...

    2024/3/6 -This works on Linux, MacOS and Windows. You need to check GET_DESCRIPTOR responses from captured data. Linux. lsusb.

    2023/11/16 -The STM USB code contains USB_CONFIG_SELF_POWERED which is set and it appears to say that the device needs no USB power. I reckon they have not implemented this

    2024/3/9 -They can be requested through the Get Descriptor Request. The services layer caches these descriptors to avoid unnecessary transfers on the USB bus. Access to ...

    2023/7/8 -USB hubs are devices that attach multiple USB ... However, if a USB 3 hub is connected to a USB ... GET_DESCRIPTOR request, bmRequestType=10100000b, as this is a ...