
(虫, 夏の季語) ハエ目(双翅目)・糸角亜目・カ科に属する昆虫。ヒトなどから吸血し、各種の病気を媒介する衛生害虫。 蚊の泣くような声. 発音.

Particle · final interrogative particle, similar to a question mark ("?"). · particle marking alternatives in a list; "or" · whether (or not) · indication of ...

1. -ist; -er​See also 政治家, used after a noun indicating someone's occupation, pursuits, disposition, etc.

Definition of · (n, n-suf) department; section; faculty; school; arm · course (of study); branch of study; specialization · (taxonomical) family.

Meaning: the particle is used to say “or”. It is used when trying to decide between 2 or more choices. Sometimes, it may only be written one time.

(蚊)は、ハエ目(双翅目)糸角亜目カ科(学名: Culicidae)に属する昆虫である。イエカ属、ヤブカ属、ハマダラカ属など35属、約2,500種~約3000種が世界に存在し、 ...

[音](クヮ)(漢) [訓]かまびすしい やかましく騒ぎ立てる。「諠譁(けんか)」 [補説]「嘩」は異体字。

indicates that something is unknown. It's used to form questions, indefinite pronouns, and lists of alternatives.


— · over- · good · beautiful. less common: increase. ·.