

OPENING HOURS / TICKETS · Hours open from 10:00 to 18:00Admission closed at 17:00 · ADMISSION FEE · GET IN SMOOTHLY, WITHOUT WAITING IN LINE TO BUY TICKETS!


  • 天気:晴れ晴れ 19℃ (降水量0mm/h)00時の予報
  • 住所:大阪府吹田市千里万博公園2-1
  • 電話:0570-022-060
  • 最寄り駅:万博記念公園駅[出口3]徒歩3分
  • 営業時間:
    営業時間外-営業開始 9:30(月)





The site is like a zoo aquarium but everything is inside. There are hippos, owls, penguins, huge turtles and a poor tiger who has never seen the light of day.

The Living Museum: NIFREL ... A new type of genre and facility that takes the concept of “experiencing inspiration” in order to enrich and stimulate the senses of ...

Nifrel is a futuristic new Osaka attraction that's part aquarium, part zoo and part science museum. It's a great way to occupy the kids for a few hours.

現金のほか、各種クレジットカード、コード決済、電子マネーをご利用いただけます。 ※当日に限り再入館可能(閉館の1時間前までにご入館ください)。


Nifrel is an interactive museum where you can learn all about the Earth's biodiversity while appreciating its beauty in a setting that's more like an art ...

The Nifrel was developed by harnessing the know-how gained from the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan to create a completely new and radical standard of museums.

NIFREL Aquazoo is a unique combination of aquarium, zoo, and museum in one facility; Enjoy an eye opening sensory experience and interact with unique ...

2024/1/29 -The Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is one of the biggest aquariums in the world, while Nifrel provides a sensory experience combined with stunning digital art ...

2020/10/27 -NIFREL Osaka: Part aquarium, zoo, and art museum. You can reach NIFREL in Expo City Osaka after about a 2-minute walk from the Osaka Monorail ...



NIFRELは、日本の大阪府吹田市千里万博公園内 に所在する博物館。水族館を主体として動物園や美術館を融合させた博物館といえる。三井...-Wikipedia