


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
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    In this video, I sight fish a MONSTER bluegill, right in front of me! using worms and ultralight fishing line, I am able to FINALLY convince this monster to ...

    YouTube-Ty PigPatrol

    2024/10/29 -It's best to fish for Bluegill during calm, warm, and sunny days. If it's cold or rainy out, they tend to move to deeper water and sometimes don't bite as much.

    2023/12/9 -Bluegill, also called bream, brim, sunfish, or panfish, are freshwater finfish in the Centrarchidae family. The native range includes the St. Lawrence-Great ...

    Bluegill fishing beds with a jig / lure! Bluegill fishing setup, rigs, tips, techniques, secrets, hacks. This setup will work for bluegill, ...

    YouTube-Richard Gene The Fishing Machine

    2024/5/8 -Implement a feeding schedule of nutrient-rich pellets or granular food 5-6 days per week during spring through fall. The extra nutrition allows juvenile ...

    2024/4/10 -Bluegill begin to spawn in early summer in Virginia when water temperatures range from 70° to 75°F. Bluegill are prolific spawners, and will spawn multiple ...


    A.集会で、天皇は琵琶湖も漁が衰退している要因の基礎となると部分として水質汚染とブルーギルについて言及したスピーチを演説した。 ”こうのような結果に私は痛みを感じている”と彼は言った。その状況はしば...

    2024/5/19 -Bluegills are great. They're just really hard to clean when they're small. Frying the whole gill is an interesting concept. Kinda like a snack.

    2024/1/12 -Bluegills are the MVP of the sunfish family due to their easy access, aggressive nature, and delicious table fare.

    2024/6/7 -Bluegills are found throughout the United States and northern Mexico. They are the most common sunfish in North Carolina and are found in all types of habitats.

    2024/7/17 -Bee moth larva is my go to bait, followed by live crickets. Bluegill hit just about anything, but sometimes nightcrawlers are too big for them to swallow.



    動物 (条鰭綱)

    ブルーギル(Bluegill、学名: Lepomis macrochirus) は、サンフィッシュ科に属する淡水魚の一種。北アメリカ大陸原産。同サンフィッシュ科のブラックバス、本種に形態が似たカワスズメ科のティラピア同様、日本でも分布を広げた特定外来生物である。-Wikipedia
