2024/8/20 -Technical Details: The vulnerability lies in the way PHP processes CGI requests, allowing specially crafted arguments to be interpreted as part of the script, ...
2024/9/27 -This vulnerability is a bypass of CVE-2024-4577 when using a non-standard configuration of Windows codepages, only obtainable through the registry.
2024/8/20 -CVE-2024-4577 is a critical PHP-CGI argument injection flaw patched in June that impacts PHP installations running on Windows systems with PHP running in CGI ...
2024/9/16 -I see php-cgi processes consuming 94%-96% of CPU when accessing the admin panel. I have 34 active WordPress plugins, many of which are essential and cannot be ...
2024/10/23 -php. Description: CGI and FCGI SAPI for PHP. Upstream URL: https://www.php.net/. License(s):, PHP-3.01. Provides: php-cgi-interpreter=8.3. Maintainers: Pierre ...
2024/8/27 -The CGI handler executes PHP applications through the mod_cgi or the mod_cgid Apache modules. ... You can customize the CGI handler's settings in the PHP .
Q.SEO対策上でindex.htmlとindex.cgiとindex.phpで差はありますか? index.cgiとindex.phpはindex.htmlの内容をincludeして内容が全く同じ...
Q.CGI/PHP掲示板・ホームページ作り UTF-8対応の、 テンプレ/埋め込みタイプの掲示板プログラムのおすすめはありますか? 可能な限りシンプルがいいです。 無料配布CGIの掲示板を直接導入...
A.non********さん >・・・・掲示板プログラムのおすすめは・・・・・・・ ご参考に↓ https://www.kent-web.com/bbs/light.html https...
Q.php , cgi 教えて下さい! 例えば、みんなに見せたいHPで表示したい文字があるとします 管理者のページでみんなに見せたいHPの特定のテキストをボタンだけを変えるPHPをおしえてください サイ
A.・何を表示したいのか ・それはどういった内容か ・変えたい部分はどこか 管理者ページということは、CMSなどをお使いでしょうか? 質問内容を最初にをパッと見たときは、 ボタンで表示されたテキス...
2024/10/24 -PHP code is usually processed on a web server by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module, a daemon or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. On a web ...
2024/10/24 -A popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog
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2024/9/27 -The default value of cgi.force_redirect is 1. But there is a bug that can cause attackers to bypass restrictions and access php-cgi directly.
2024/8/17 -FrankenPHP increase speed 13x in cgi mode. FrankenPHP recently achieved a 13x performance improvement after resolving a major bottleneck, which is fascinating.