

  • 住所:山梨県中央市成島1654-2
  • 最寄り駅:小井川駅[出口]徒歩19分

Naoto Fukasawa (深澤 直人; born 1956) is a Japanese designer, author, and educator, working in the fields of product and furniture design.

Tokyo-based designer Naoto Fukasawa is well-known for his meticulous attention to detail and keen observation. His latest design, Asari Chair by Herman Miller, ...

The great talent of designer Naoto Fukasawa, who was born in Japan in 1956, lies in giving objects a form that is oriented towards the unconscious behaviour ...

Naoto Fukasawa. Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1956. Graduated from Tama Art University's Product Design Department in 1980. In the same year, he joined Seiko ...

Fukasawa has received more than 40 international awards, and his work is a part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Fukasawa is one of the directors of 21_21 Design Sight. In 2010 Fukasawa acted as the chairman for the Good Design Award 2010 judging committee. He is a ...

Hideyuki Fukasawa is a Japanese composer, best known for his work on the video game Street Fighter IV. Hideyuki Fukasawa. 深澤 秀行.

Always devoted to achieving simplicity and beauty, Naoto Fukasawa designs products for numerous internationally prestigious brands, as well as collaborating ...