


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/9/4 -Opening Hours 10:00 - 17:00. Choose either a Permanent Exhibitions Admission Ticket (Adults 630yen, 18 and under 210yen) or a Permanent Exhibitions + Dome ...

    2023/11/21 -This exhibition allows visitors to imagine what it might be like to live alongside a variety of robots in the future, through interacting with robots and ...

    2024/3/11 -Miraikan is a national science museum where visitors can experience cutting-edge science and technology related to themes such as space, the global environment ...

    2024/2/4 -This is an excellent museum, with a wide variety of exhibits and activities to do. Rather than exhibiting old things, though, everything is geared toward the ...

    営業中-営業終了 19:00/小森江駅徒歩11分
    営業中-営業終了 20:00/小倉(福岡県)駅徒歩25分
    営業中-営業終了 19:00/香春口三萩野駅徒歩25分
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    2024/3/20 -The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, known as Miraikan, is a fascinating museum, worthy of any 'Tokyo must-see' list.

    2023/11/14 -Journey to Japan's premier science museum, nicknamed "Miraikan," to learn about humanity's relationship to the universe and the cutting-edge technologies ...

    5日前 -This high-tech museum features a plethora of exciting interactive displays spread across three themed permanent exhibits.

    2024/7/24 -The Odaiba Miraikan : The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation is another good option for rainy days and children who are particularly ...

    2日前 -日本科学未来館は、いま世界に起きていることを科学の視点から理解し、私たちがこれからどんな未来をつくっていくかをともに考え、語り合う場です。

    開館時間・入館料-Miraikan IDのご案内-交通案内-日本科学未来館オンラインチケット

    2024/2/20 -Miraikan is a place where we can understand the things happening in our world today from a scientific point of view, and have discussions while considering ...