
In Japanese architecture mokoshi literally "skirt storey" or "cuff storey", is a decorative pent roof surrounding a building below the true roof.

features of Japanese temple architecture ... …double-roof structure, in which a mokoshi, or roofed porch, was placed between two major stories. Read More.

Mokoshi were widely used in *zenshuuyou 禅宗様 architecture introduced to Japan in the late 12c. The Doushunji Kannondou 洞春寺観音堂 (1430) in Yamaguchi ...

Mokoshi is a type of Japanese roof lantern that is commonly used in traditional Japanese architecture to bring natural light into a building.

2014/2/13 -とじ・はぎなしのトップダウンで編むペプラムシルエットのプルオーバー。ウエスト部分は斜めに入った1×1のリブでゆるやかに体に沿い、きれいなライン ...

Perfect for a quiet corner or a Zen garden, our Mokoshi Pagoda Fountain features a radiant LED illuminated toshin core as water cascades down from all four ...

2019/1/1 -宮大工が建てた重厚感あふれる家がリフォームされてまさかの賃貸!? - 物件ファン. 美しい。絵画の様だと思いました。 さすがは宮大工さんの建築。 お宮 ...

The Mikoshi, or portable Shinto shrine, is believed to be the temporary dwelling place of deities during Japanese festivals and religious processions. In early ...

Mokoshi is the enigmatic cat ​companion of the elusive Satoshi ​Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin. With ​fur as mysterious as the ​blockchain itself, Mokoshi is ...

Perfect for a quiet corner or a Zen garden, our Mokoshi Pagoda Fountain features a radiant LED illuminated toshin core as water cascades down from all four ...

