The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered seal species in the world. The population overall has been declining for over six decades and current ...
Monk seals have a slender body and are agile. They have a broad, flat snout with nostrils on the top. Monk seals are polygynous, and group together in harems.
Mediterranean monk seal-Hawaiian monk seal-Caribbean monk seal
The Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species of earless seal in the family Phocidae that is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.
After a successful journey to Kamole (Laysan Island), we're happy to report 5-year-old Hawaiian monk seal RL72 is exploring his new home and meeting some new ...
The Hawaiian monk seal population has only about 1,500 individuals, making it the most endangered seal or sea lion species in the United States.
Hawaiian monk seals are among the most endangered marine mammals in the world. They are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the ...
The Hawaiian monk seal is an apex predator and a sentinel species. Its beach is our beach. Its waters are our waters. It eats some of the same food we eat. As a ...
2020/8/22 -Matt's sheer frazzled constant eager-to-please haplessness and his mysterious veiled relationship with Miss Martini (you'd better treat him ...
Predation, marine debris, starvation, disease and fisheries interactions are the main threats to the critically low population of Hawaiian Monk seals.
NOAA Fisheries Video Gallery
The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus), the sole member of the genus Monachus, is one of two surviving species of monk seals.