


  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 2024/9/30 -The Hawaiian monk seal is one of the most endangered seal species in the world. The population overall has been declining for over six decades and current ...

    2024/10/13 -Monk seals are brown or black as pups, and dark gray or brown above, paler or whitish below as adults. They feed on fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.

    2024/9/23 -The meaning of MONK SEAL is any of two genera (Monachus and Neomonachus) of hair seals of Hawaii, the Mediterranean Sea, and formerly the Caribbean Sea.

    Hawaiian Monk Seal basking on the beach somewhere in Oahu. We spotted 4 on different occasions. Captured with Canon R6. Edited in Premiere Pro.

    YouTube-PrimoMedia - Chris Biela

    3日前 -Yearling Hawaiian monk seal RS52 showed concerning weight loss and lethargy, which prompted medical intervention. He's seen here resting on a West Maui beach.

    2024/9/13 -Three Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal Pups Admitted to Ke Kai Ola, a Dedicated Hospital for Monk Seals on Hawai'i Island.

    2024/8/29 -This rare seal is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, is an important part of Hawaii's history, and is found nowhere else in the world.

    2024/9/26 -The highly endangered Mediterranean monk seal is native to Madeira's Desertas Islands, which were designated a nature reserve in 1990. Some 40 species of birds ...

    As scuba divers explore the crystal-clear waters around Madeira Island, they encounter a variety of marine life, including the elusive monk seal—the rarest seal ...

    Facebook-Azul Diving Madeira


    動物 (哺乳綱)

    ハワイモンクアザラシ(Monachus schauinslandi)は、ネコ目(食肉目)アザラシ科モンクアザラシ属に分類される鰭脚類。別名タイヘイヨウモンクアザラシ。 ハワイ語ではʻIlio-holo-i-ka-uauaという。-Wikipedia
