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    2024/7/3 -Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly lethal disease. In the US, it is the eighth most common cancer but ranks third as a cause of cancer death.

    2024/8/15 -Exhibit Opportunities at PDAC 2025, March 2-5 2025. Potential New Exhibitors: Applications for PDAC 2025 will be released on September 17, 2024 at 10:00 AM ET.

    2024/9/3 -Splash into year-round fun at the Palm Desert Aquatic Center featuring three pools, multiple slides, diving boards, and a variety of play features, ...

    2024/6/20 -ABCB1 overexpression drives paclitaxel resistance in PDAC cells, extruding the drug before it can produce a cytotoxic effect.

    2024/9/3 -Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Annual Convention 2024 · Date: March 3, 2024 to March 6, 2025 · Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre

    2024/8/15 -The Investors Exchange is a hub for junior exploration and major mining companies, mid-sized producers, prospectors and financial institutions to connect with ...

    2024/8/23 -Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is clinically challenging due to late diagnosis and resistance to therapy. Two major PDAC subtypes have been defined ...

    2024/8/19 -PDAC is the 7th cause of cancer deaths and is among types of cancer having the poorest prognosis. To improve treatment outcomes of PDAC, biomarkers related to ...

    2024/8/12 -Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, frequently referred to as pancreatic cancer, makes up the vast majority (~90%) of all pancreatic neoplasms.

    Double duct sign-Pancreatic cancer (staging)-Duct penetrating sign (pancreas)

    2024/9/6 -The PSRC aims to develop a multidisciplinary community of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) researchers that will expand upon traditional tumor-centric ...


    PDCAサイクル(PDCA cycle、plan-do-check-act cycle)とは品質管理など業務管理における継続的な改善方法。Plan(計画)→ Do(実行)→ Check(確認)→ Act(改善)の4段階を繰り返して業務を継続的に改善する方法。主に日本で使われている…-Wikipedia