


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/10/22 -Gilmore & Pine (2002) propose to give marketing promotions more sensory appeal by adding imagery, tactile materials, motion, scents, sounds, or other sensations ...

    2024/4/10 -Anzac Day Address Lone Pine, 2002 · Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be a distraction from the real problems.

    2024/8/16 -Dr. Pine is an urban geographer (Ph.D. Rutgers) with teaching and research interests in urban policy, race, hunger, and the global food system.

    2024/4/28 -This article highlights how some companies have successfully overcome this issue by standardizing experiences and making them more product-like.

    2024/7/20 -Consumers seek not only high-quality products and services but also experiences that are “engaging, robust, compelling and memorable” (Gilmore & Pine, 2002, p.

    2024/10/10 -This study seeks to investigate how the time spent in one behavior relative to others is associated with depressive symptoms.

    2024/7/17 -I have had a long curiosity regarding Water Hemlock ever since I had heard of it. Perhaps the most toxic plant on Turtle Island/North America.

    2024/2/9 -Depression is correlates with smoking, drinking, substance abuse, violence, and other health risks (Glied & Pine, 2002; Weller & Weller, 2000). Puberty sees ...

    2024/9/23 -United Country – Neeley Forestry Service, Inc., acting as agent for the seller, has been authorized to sell 19 tracts of land containing nearly 1,500 acres ...

    2024/5/24 -Secondly, adolescent depression has been shown to impair educational attainment and performance (Glied & Pine, 2002). Education increases political ...