


  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/6/28 -SDL manages video, audio, input devices, threads, shared object loading, networking and timers. ... For 3D graphics, it can handle an OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, or ...

    2024/5/21 -The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is the approach Microsoft uses to integrate security into DevOps processes (sometimes called a DevSecOps approach). You ...

    2023/9/29 -SmartDeviceLink (SDL) connects in-vehicle infotainment systems to applications. The SDL ecosystem allows collaboration between developers, OEMs, ...

    2023/7/20 -Making your first game in C and C++ can seem daunting at first. Thankfully SDL, Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0, is a really easy way to get started.

    2023/8/1 -SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a cross-platform software development library designed to provide a hardware abstraction layer for computer multimedia ...

    2024/1/18 -Computing · Specification and Description Language, defined by ITU · Simple DirectMedia Layer, a C programming language library · Services Description Language, ...

    2024/2/2 -Thanks to all the people who contributed code and feedback, SDL 2.30.0 is now available! In addition to lots of bug fixes, here are the major changes in this ...

    2024/6/24 -This time we will be coding with SDL 2 which has been released on the SDL website. These tutorials were designed for C++ programmers who want to move from text ...

    Hello SDL-SDL and Modern OpenGL-SDL and OpenGL 2-Key Presses

    2023/11/26 -SDL Game Development guides you through creating your first 2D game using SDL and C++. It takes a clear and practical approach to SDL game development, ensuring ...

    2023/12/1 -Featuring bold new capabilities, the SDL-350 supports Iridium Certus 176, 352, and 704 Mbps bandwith speeds–making it an ideal solution for business ...


    SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) は、C言語で書かれたクロスプラットフォームのマルチメディアライブラリである。グラフィックの描画やサウンドの再生などのAPIを提供する。オーディオ、キーボード、マウス、ジョイスティック、そしてOpenGLおよびDirec…-Wikipedia