Follow along with the Takemusu Aikido Online Dojo in the latest class in our Daily Training Experience... Recorded live during our regular Morning Class.
2024/8/28 -Pedagogia e didattica del Takemusu Aikido ... Come sanno bene i praticanti di cultura giapponese, non solo nelle Arti marziali ma anche nei momenti di tutti i ...
2024/6/6 -Takemusu Aikido or Traditional Aikido is the Aikido taught by O Sensei and later transmitted by Morihiro Saito. It is also called Aikido Iwama Ryu.
2024/10/24 -We are a non-profit aikido school in Co. Dublin belonging to Aikikai organisation and practising traditional Aikido.
2024/7/26 -Aikido Dojo Chelyabinsk Takemusu Aiki is a private club belongs to the Takemusu Aiki Tomita Academy, founded by Takeji Tomita Sensei.
2024/8/5 -"Takemusu Aiki" in Aikido transcends the mere acquisition of martial techniques. It embodies the pursuit of harmony within oneself, with others, ...
2024/9/8 -Discover Takemusu Aikido, the traditional martial art of O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, first with the method taught by Morihiro Saito at the Iwama dojo.
6日前 -Takemusu Aiki: 武産合氣 is one of the core spiritual concepts developed by Morihei Ueshiba to support his practice of Aikido.
2024/9/15 -A group of UK Aikido dojos with the purpose of training O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba's Aikido as taught by the late Morihiro Saito Sensei.
2024/8/22 -Takemusu Aikido Verein in Dortmund Energie, Harmonie, Körperbeherrschung Hörder Str. 29, 44309 Dortmund.