

  • 最終更新日:3か月以内
  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • 2024/8/15 -... Gagaku Doyukai and the Hayashike Bugaku Society. The Gagaku Doyukai was founded in 1967 by a group of volunteers led by the late Hironori Sono, former Gagaku ...

    2024/7/13 -雅楽道友会では希望者に対して随時、雅楽(舞楽)装束着装体験講座を提供いたしております。ご希望の方がいらっしゃいましたらご気軽に雅楽道友会までご連絡くだ さい。 舞楽 ...

    2024/7/21 -通りすがりの雅楽好き ▽日本雅樂會 ▽雅楽下熊健 ▽東京藝大雅楽専攻 ▽GAGAKU geek from JAPANThe Japan Gagaku Society ▽Shimokumatakeru ▽Tokyo University of

    2024/7/16 -It is now a bicycle-friendly area that lets visitors dive into Japan's distant past. Whispers of past decadence and prominence that dot the landscape of Asuka ...

    2024/7/21 -▽通りすがりの雅楽好き ▽日本雅樂會 ▽雅楽下熊健 ▽東京藝大雅楽専攻 ▽GAGAKU geek from JAPANThe Japan Gagaku Society ▽Shimokumatakeru ▽Tokyo University of the Arts.

    2024/7/12 -Gagaku, said to be the oldest orchestra in the world, is Traditional Japanese court music. ... Performed by Mr.Saburo Fukuoka in Gagaku Doyukai He is one of the ...

    6日前 -Introduced from China with Buddhism, Gagaku arrived in Japan around the 6th century. The koto (a 13-stringed zither) and biwa (a short-necked lute) were among ...

    2024/8/3 -Obras para instrumentos tradicionales japoneses, desde los más antiguos hasta los más modernos. Used as a catch all for all non-classical pieces.

    2024/7/8 -The branding system of traditional Hanafuda manufacturers can be confusing. Generally the top of the container (whether a box or wrapper) will have a brand, ...

    2024/6/27 -The Japan Arts Council aims to preserve, promote, and popularize traditional and modern performing arts: the Council presents traditional Japanese performing ...