

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • Japanese reference translations of the OSI approved open source licenses - licenses/BSD-3-Clause/BSD-3-Clause.md at main · opensource-jp/licenses.

    2019/11/13 -BSD-3-Clause. 1.ソースコードの再配布は、上記の著作権表示、ここに列挙された条件、および下記の免責条項 ...

    File is a utility that classifies arbitrary files of any type mainly by their contents. It is considered standard on most Unix distributions. It can output ...

    FOSS licenses come in two main classes, namely copyleft or BSD-style and permissive licenses. Permissive licenses (which include the 3-Clause BSD License) place ...

    The BSD 3-Clause License The following is a BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license template. To generate your own license, change the values ...

    2.1.3 修正BSDライセンス・条項BSDライセンス; 2.1.4 二条項BSDライセンス; 2.1.5 0条項 ... (3-clause BSD license) が策定された。条項BSDライセンスは、BSD向け ...

    Overview of all pages with the tag #Bsd 3 Clause, such as: Orbot: Proxy with Tor.

    Japanese reference translations of the OSI approved open source licenses - licenses/BSD-3-Clause-LBNL/BSD-3-Clause-LBNL.md at main · opensource-jp/licenses.

    2021/10/29 -Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause. So it means that it is being released under BSD license. In order to get it from NXP site I have to accpet ...

    2021/7/15 -Code published in the Answers forum is covered by the "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license", also called "CC BY-SA 3.0":.