

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • Free Carrier (FCA) is a trade term and Incoterms rule that means the seller is responsible for delivery of purchased goods to a specified location within ...

    A free carrier (FCA) is a trade term requiring the seller to deliver goods to a named airport, terminal, or other place where the carrier operates.

    FCA Group is now Stellantis, one of the world's leading automakers and a mobility provider. Follow us here : https://www.linkedin.com/company/stellantis/.

    FCA. Free Carrierの略。インコタームズの取引条件のひとつ。売主は買主が指定した運送人に貨物を引渡したときに貨物引渡責務は完了し、以降のすべての費用・リスクは買主 ...

    FCA Partners is a real estate investment management company that pursues commercial real estate investment opportunities in high-growth markets on behalf of ...

    The overarching aim of the FCA is to protect UK consumers, keep the industry stable, and promote healthy competition.

    The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) is responsible for regulating the conduct of financial services firms and financial markets in the United Kingdom, ...

    Fiat Chrysler Automobilesでは、従業員が自ら変化を起こしていくことが奨励されています。さまざまなことに果敢に挑戦する起業家精神を持った人材に溢れているのです。

    貿易用語集. FCA. インコタームズの一種。Free Carrierの略称で運送人渡し条件のこと。FOBとほぼ同じだが、コンテナ輸送時に輸出者がコンテナを積み地のCY(コンテナヤード) ...
