

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • FERMION 意味, 定義, FERMION は何か: 1. a type of subatomic particle (= an extremely small piece of matter that is smaller than an atom…. もっと見る.

    any particle that obeys the exclusion principle and Fermi-Dirac statistics; fermions have spins that are half an odd integer 1⁄2,3⁄2,5⁄2, …

    2024/10/23 -FERMION - 定義, FERMION の発音音声とその他: a type of subatomic particle (= an extremely small piece of matter that is smaller than an atom, ...

    When this card is Summoned: Special Summon 1 "Fermion" monster from your hand, except "Fermion Commander". Its effect(s) are negated and it is banished ...

    When a fermion bounces off a monopole, there is apparently nothing sensible that can bounce back. Symmetries and conservation laws force the result to have ...

    田崎晴明 による論文 "Macroscopic Irreversibility in Quantum Systems: ETH and Equilibration in a Free Fermion Chain" の紹介動画です。

    YouTube-Hal Tasaki / 田崎晴明

    fermion 【名】フェルミ粒子【発音】[US] férmiɑ̀n | fə́ːrmiɑ̀n | [UK] fə́ːmiɔ̀n【カナ】[US]フェァミアン - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。

    Fermions and bosons are quite different kinds of particles, but it is possible to unify them in a supermultiplet, by introducing a new mathematical scheme ...

    The phase structure of four-fermion theories is thoroughly investigated with varying temperature and chemical potential for arbitrary space-time dimensions ...

    2020/1/14 -In this talk, we first discuss the central-branch Wilson fermion, which is defined by imposing a specific relation between the mass and the ...


    フェルミ粒子(フェルミりゅうし)は、量子力学上の粒子の分類のための呼称であり、 \hbar の半整数 (1/2, 3/2, 5/2, …) 倍の強度のスピン角運動量を伴う粒子を指す。フェルミオン(Fermion)とも呼ばれる。代表例として電子が挙げられる。名称はイタリア=アメリカ…-Wikipedia