

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • submit ~ to someone in confidence ... 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the WEB Pro」でご利用ください。 20,000件まで登録できます。

    2024/5/22 -submit verb (GIVE POWER) ... to give power or authority over a person or group to someone, or to accept something unwillingly:.

    1. to present or refer to others for decision, consideration, etc. 2. to yield to the action ...

    2011/1/12 -【動詞】 · 1. 受け入れる、または受ける、しばしば嫌々に(accept or undergo, often unwillingly) · 2. · 3. · 4. · 5. 判断または考慮について参照する( ...

    2 [intransitive, transitive] formalOBEY to agree to obey someone or something or to go through a process, especially when you have no choice 類義語 give in ...

    Hi there,. We almost never submit tickets as "open," so clearing out a ticket requires two clicks each time (since the default option is "Submit as Open").

    Hi, I have many forms on my website and have styled them all individually. I've been able to add different styling for all the different forms by.

    Words — 36 found · 1. to obey; to submit to; to yield to; to accept; to abide by​See also 服する · 2. to serve (in the army, a prison sentence, etc.)​.

    Please check the submission guidelines for the relevant journal and article type. What should be cited? Only articles, clinical trial registration records and ...

    Research article-Review-Study protocol-Systematic Review

    To Submit MicroStrategy Cloud Platform Feedback · In the left panel, click the Feedback icon . · Fill in the fields and type your message. · Click Submit.