

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • swish some dish soap. 洗剤{せんざい}を出す◇この場合{ばあい}、swishは食器洗{しょっき あら}い洗剤{せんざい}の容器{ようき}から洗剤{せんざい}を出す音。

    to (cause to) move quickly through the air making a soft sound: I heard the rope swish through the air.

    Swish(スウィッシュ)|アナログな見積業務を80%削減。オフィス家具のメーカー横断プラットフォーム 読み込まれました. Swishの特徴メリット機能一覧サポートカタログ ...


    to move with or make a sibilant sound, as a slender rod cutting sharply through the air or as small waves washing on the shore. 2. to rustle, as silk.


    This portable hoop is perfect! It is extremely lightweight, easy to carry, and straps on easily to the existing posts. On our first trip, it ...

    2024/6/30 -Youtubeで「背中 バスケゴール」「Swish Portable Basketball Hoop」などで検索すると、動画でSwishを遊んでる様子が見れますので、実際の使用感の参考 ...

    The Swish Portable hoop is perfect for anywhere you want to ball. https://www.facebook.com/swishportablehoop/ ...

    YouTube-Keeper Sports Products

    Swish allows you to send money to friends, companies and organizations using your mobile phone. It's perfect for splitting a check at a restaurant, ...

    At times I heard the swish-swish of grass being shoved aside, and once the patter of feet across a patch of stony ground. ときどき草がかきわけられる音が ...

    SunSet Swish



    SunSet Swishは、日本の男性スリーピースロック・バンド。旧称はSwish!。所属レコード会社はY-Label。所属芸能事務所はMusic Ray'n。-Wikipedia


    試聴提供:LINE MUSIC