
Creative mind, Interior and Product designer ✉️ ariannaricossa@gmail.com - Turin airbnb @lagrange_n42 @lagrange_n40 · www.ariannaricossa.com.

Arianna Caroli was born in Orvieto, Italy. She lives in the USA between New York City and Miami and also spends a few months out of the year traveling around ...

Hey, my name is Arianna from Italy. I'm 31y/o and a professional cartoonist and graphic designer. When I fell in love with drawing, I was obsessed with the ...

イタリアとロンドンで工業デザインを学び、セントラル・セント・マーチンズで修士号を取得した後、インテリアデザイナーとして働く。しかしアリアナは、陶器を通して自分の ...

Arianna De Luca has been working as an interior designer in UK, South America and Italy, where she is currently based. In 2017 she started to work with ...

Arianna De Luca is design combined with handcrafted ceramics.

Arianna Mereu is a trend forecaster, innovation strategist and lecturer based in Florence, Italy. In the past years, Arianna has held several academic ...

Tuscany, Italy Designer: I love to create characters and illustrate horror themed stories. Dark quirky witty styled illustrations mainly for young ...

I worked for many years as an interior designer between the UK (where I used to live) and Italy, and a little bit in South America. When I moved back to Italy I ...

Arianna De Lucaローマ, イタリア ... イタリアとロンドンで工業デザインを学び、セントラル・セント・マーチンズで修士号を取得した後、インテリアデザイナーとして働く。