

https://download.oracle.com/java/21/archive/jdk-21.0.2_linux-aarch64_bin.tar.gz (sha256). Linux Arm 64 RPM Package, 186.29 MB. https://download.oracle.com/java/ ...

Java Downloads · Java 22, Java 21, and Java 17 available now · Protect your investment—and more · Java SE subscribers have more choices · Java SE Development Kit ...

JDK 22-JDK 21-JDK 17-GraalVM for JDK 22

JDK 21 reached General Availability on 19 September 2023. Production-ready binaries under the GPL are available from Oracle; binaries from other vendors will ...

JEP 444: Virtual Threads-Structured Concurrency-JEP 448: Vector API (Sixth

2023/10/14 -長期メンテナンス対象のLTSであり、パターンマッチングや仮想スレッドが正式化されたことでプログラミングに大きな影響がありそうです。またPreviewで入っ ...

JEP-441: Pattern Matching for switch-API

2023/9/20 -Java 21 introduces a new sort of thread, a virtual thread. Now, we can create millions of threads for the heap. It's easy. But fundamentally, ...

2023/9/19 -Java 21 has arrived in a production release with 15 features including virtual threads, a generational Z garbage collector, and a key ...

JDK 21 has been superseded. Please visit jdk.java.net for the current version. Older releases, which do not include the most up to date security vulnerability ...

Information about Java 21 including documentation links, new APIs, added features and download options.

2023/10/31 -Java JDK 21: New Features of Java 21 · 1. Language Feature · 2. Libraries Improvements · 3. Performance Improvements · 4. Tools Improvements · 5 ...

2024/1/29 -Java programming: A deep dive into Java 21's key features · Developers rank Java higher · Redmonk language index · TIOBE programming index.