

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
    • キリエも含めた結果を表示しています。
    • kirieで再検索

    2023/12/1 -Kirie is the art of making pictures by cutting paper, which took root in Japan in the 7th century as an import from the Chinese mainland.

    2023/11/24 -A 37-year old Japanese artist who goes by the name Lito has been living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) his entire life.

    【Item number : DK1P】 “KIRIE” was developed with the concept, “The “KIRIE”, the more you will love it.” Center of gravity towards the blade provides ...

    YouTube-NT Cutter Japan

    2023/6/14 -Discover the fascinating history of the Kirié shipyard, founded in the early 20th century, and its development into the world-famous Feeling range.

    2023/11/15 -Precision art knives specially designed for KIRIE – paper cutting art in Japanese –; Thin shaft: perfect for tighter turns when cutting, enabling a finer ...

    2024/2/26 -The award-winning Kirie Plant serves a population of about 264,000 residents in a 65.2-squaremile service area which includes Arlington Heights, Elk Grove ...

    2024/2/17 -I am a humanistic archaeologist, specializing in musical instruments and thought in early East Asia. Before joining the Department of East Asian Languages and ...

    2024/5/13 -顔色を美しくする晴雨兼用雨傘. タテ糸とヨコ糸で織りなす色のハーモニー。その美しさを、繊細でコントラストが魅力的な切り絵のように表現した長傘です。

    2023/10/23 -切り絵のために追求された細軸タイプのデザインナイフ。刃先に重心を寄せ、より軽く、より安定した低重心設計。Φ6mmの細さで切りまわしも繊細に。丈夫で美しいホワイト ...


    キリエ(Kyrie)はギリシア語の κύριος(kyrios - 主(しゅ))の呼格κύριεをラテン文字で表わしたもので「主よ」を意味する。また、「キリエ」(もしくは「キリエ・エレイソン」)はキリスト教の礼拝における重要な祈りの一つ。日本のカトリック教会では第2バチカン公会議…-Wikipedia