


  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • When did Darth Vader first meet his son, Luke Skywalker? Source: Star Wars (2015) 1-2 #starwars #darthvader #lukeskywalker #starwarscomics #starwarslore ...

    YouTube-Star Wars Apprentice

    Thoughts on today's video? I hope you enjoy, and have a great day! #starwarswhatif #anakin #whatif #dooku #georgelucas #ahsoka #darthvader #obiwankenobi ...

    YouTube-The Star Wars Galaxy

    2日前 -The Acolyte Just Changed Everything We Know About Anakin Skywalker's Birth ... Always use the Force safely. ... The Acolyte's protagonists, twins Osha and Mae, are ...

    Anakin Skywalker HATED the Tusken Raiders after Shmi was killed by them. What If Anakin Was Raided by the Tusken Raiders? How would he end up in their hands ...

    YouTube-Pente Patrol Star Wars

    大麻取締法違反(所持)で逮捕されたレゲエミュージシャンのRYO the SKYWALKER(50)が起訴され、初公判が21日に水戸地裁で開かれることが分かった。水戸地裁担当者も取材に対し、これを認めた。 RYO被告は4月22日...


    20日、レゲエミュージシャンのRYO the SKYWALKER氏がX(旧Twitter)を更新。「I'm back !!!!!!!」「お騒がせしました」と土下座の絵文字付きで投稿した。RYO the SKYWALKER氏は先月22日、茨城空港で大麻を所持してい...


    2日前 -Born to no father, Anakin Skywalker was conceived by Shmi Skywalker alone before he was discovered by the Jedi and believed to be the galaxy's prophesized ...

    Master of the Order Mace Windu was as tight to the code as any Jedi in the Order. What If Mace Discovered Anakin Skywalker? Would he decide to bring Anakin ...

    YouTube-Pente Patrol Star Wars

    2日前 -Still, it looks like The Acolyte could be hiding a major connection to the sequel trilogy, and in particular, Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker.

    4時間前 -The Acolyte Episode 3 of teases a connection two key characters have to the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker after his life was manipulated by Palpatine.

    Master Yoda was sent to Kashyyyk to worry about the Wookiees during the final days of the Republic. What If Yoda Never Left Anakin Before Order 66?

    YouTube-Pente Patrol Star Wars

    2024/6/7 -The X-Wing mech Luke Skywalker toy is part of a collectible series of quick-build LEGO Star Wars mechs (sold separately). Contains 195 pieces. Number of Pieces: ...




    RYO the SKYWALKERは、大阪府出身のレゲエミュージシャン、音楽プロデューサーである。本名は山口 良。血液型はO型。-Wikipedia


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