
  • 最終更新日:1か月以内
  • 2024/4/12 -For i-stem verbs, that kana is on the i row, so the conjugation is called upper-monograde conjugation (上一段活用 kami-ichidan katsuyō). For e-stem verbs, that ...

    3日前 -Rapidly weakening in the wake of this battle, the ... Nobuhide let Nobunaga do only what he wanted to do and what he was good at. ... "織田信長(上) 旧弊に縛られ ...

    2024/4/25 -To consult a good teacher who has enough knowledge about learning methods old and new , is the first step. And make your plan of self learning to your goal.

    5日前 -Artists and creators will demonstrate their creativity and present new works of art set in the scenery of the five Uchiboso cities.

    2024/4/30 -イベント当日は、視聴URLにアクセスの上、事前登録に ... wake, there are sick attempts by criminals to ... They do not store directly personal information, but ...

    2024/4/26 -... 育まれ、称賛されるようなエコシステムを創造する ... 上で極めて重要な役割を果たします。私に足跡を残し ... do. It's been a transformative journey, shifting from ...

    2024/4/27 -阿公阿媽先是驚訝問:「是變性人嗎?」(這是那個世代的性別教育太平面而導致,我覺得不太能完全怪他們,而我要做的就是傳遞不一樣的聲音,讓他們理解。)我:「不是喔!是 ...

    2024/4/13 -Islam is a minor religion in Taiwan and it represents about 0.3% of the population. There are around 60,000 Muslims in Taiwan, in which about 90% belong to ...

    4日前 -本記事は独学・国内学習による英検1級保持者が書きました。英作文の対策として次の戦略は完全な間違いです。 ○ 英文暗唱 ○ 頻出表現暗記 ○ 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 ...

    5時間前 -... Wake Mum! 看完還可以做個鬆餅開開心心很不錯 ... Do You Know? 1: 3D ... 堂2:認識身體、角色、感受,圖像學習一秒認一字(隨書附贈80張詞語卡+4張答案卡). $356. $450. 身體 ...
