
  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2024/4/12 -For i-stem verbs, that kana is on the i row, so the conjugation is called upper-monograde conjugation (上一段活用 kami-ichidan katsuyō). For e-stem verbs, that ...

    2024/3/31 -お問合せ先:和気町教育委員会社会教育課 公営塾 松穂 080-7620-3471 (直通※平日10:00〜19:00) 和気町公営塾HP:https://www.town.wake.lg. jp/enterwake/.

    2023/7/9 -インタビュー第33弾では、Wake Up Point Shoesという活動を行っている望月碧さんと鈴木歌恋さんにお話を伺いました。望月さんはICUのID26、鈴木さんはSFC生で、大学の ...

    2024/1/10 -Yes absolutely. But if you can't make yourself wake up, go to class, and study a subject that doesn't interest you, then you can' ...

    2023/10/29 -as wake up ... 人参の芽が出揃(でそろ)わぬ処(とこ. ろ)へ藁(わら)が一面に敷(し)いてあったから、. その上で三人が半日相撲(すもう)をとりつづけに ... to do a ...

    2023/7/19 -We take in as much fresh morning air as possible to wake up our bodies from sleep. We all sing songs and share our dreams and observations. I find that it ...

    3日前 -Rapidly weakening in the wake of this battle, the ... Nobuhide let Nobunaga do only what he wanted to do and what he was good at. ... "織田信長(上) 旧弊に縛られ ...

    2024/3/20 -To-Do Adventure: Habit Tracker. Productivity. Book Morning! Wake Up Stories. Health & Fitness.

    2023/9/6 -The Antidote is a series of journeys among people who share a single, surprising way of thinking about life. What they have in common is a hunch about human ...

    2023/5/14 -視聴者を惹きつけ、想像力を豊かにし、魅了する面白いストーリーを考え出すでしょう。それはおとぎ話、教育的な物語、または人々の注意と想像力を捉える可能性のあるその他 ...