

  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 23時間前 -to tie something together with string, rope, etc. ~を縛る, 結びつける. His hands were bound behind his back ...

    19時間前 -When an egg or water is used, especially in cooking, to bind something, it provides a way of making everything stick together in a solid mass.

    8時間前 -Quote, Bind, Sell, Repeat! - by P&c Guru (Paperback). TARGET. Current price: $16.89. Please Contact Store for Inventory.

    10時間前 -a situation in which a person is given conflicting cues, esp. by a parent, such that to obey one cue is to disobey the other. 2. dilemma (sense 1).

    15時間前 -Binding commands in CS:GO is super simple and a real game changer! Just open up the console (you might need to enable it in game settings first) and type ...

    12時間前 -Levy said the pro-Palestinian protests underscore the challenge Biden faces “in keeping together the coalition that got him elected in 2020.” “If they go home ...

    28分前 -Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945), also known as BTK (an abbreviation he gave himself, for "bind, torture, kill"), is an American serial killer who ...

    16時間前 -Discover various methods to bind data to Kendo Grid in MVC. From server-side binding with IQueryable to client-side binding via AJAX and JSON, ...

    Caddx FPV GOFILM 20 CineWhoop - Avatar HD First Bind & Fly But What's It Like? We make FPV,Drone and electronics related videos.

    YouTube-Mads Tech

    20時間前 -Spiral binding helps keep your pages together. Customizable, so you can show pertinent details specific to your company. Specs.


    BIND(バインド、Berkeley Internet Name Domain、以前の呼名はBerkeley Internet Name Daemon)はインターネットでもっとも利用されている DNSサーバである。Unix系システムにおいては特にその傾向が著しい。現在はISCによ…-Wikipedia