

  • 最終更新日:1週間以内
  • 3日前 -Microsoft made DOS 4.0 open-source, but not everyone is happy ... Releasing old files in a new-er format has caused a lot of headaches for software historians.

    6日前 -It's no joke. Microsoft and IBM have joined forces to open-source the 1988 operating system MS-DOS 4.0 under the MIT License. Why? Well, why not?

    6日前 -Microsoft open-sources infamously weird, RAM-hungry MS-DOS 4.00 release. DOS 4.00 was supposed to add multitasking to the OS, but it was not to be. by Andrew ...

    6日前 -Microsoft already released MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 in 2014, in cooperation with The Computer History Museum. Microsoft open-sources infamously weird, RAM-hungry MS- ...

    6日前 -MS-DOS 4.0 is a relic from when IBM and Microsoft were in the throes of their joint OS/2 adventure. It was notable for its support of FAT16 hard disk partitions ...

    6日前 -Microsoft has released the MS-DOS 4.00 source code, binaries, disk images, and documentation. The source code, which is nearly 36 years old (version 4.00 ...

    Compiling DOS the way it was meant to be - on a 386DX As you may know, Microsoft released a few days ago the source code for MS-DOS 4.0, with quite a bit of ...


    6日前 -In a celebration of innovation and preserving computing history, Microsoft has released the source code for MS-DOS 4.00 in partnership with IBM.

    Today, we're checking out the amazing Pocket 386, which is a new, modern Windows 95 and MS-DOS laptop that you can buy right now!

    YouTube-RetroTV1 Tech

    3日前 -MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is an adaptation of QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) by its developer Tim Paterson destined to be the operating ...

    A.DOS/V版windows95とPC98版windows95は別の物ですが、Windows95版のアプリケーションはどちらでも稼働できたと思います。 EXCELやWORDなどは同じ物が稼働できまし


    A.?? USB3.0には https://amzn.asia/d/4F2DyRG これ系の物を使って、SATAのSSDがつながってるってことですか? でそれを外して、同じPCのマザボ直のSATAに...


    A.curl -LOJ "https://example.com/foo/bar" こんな感じで、curlコマンドを使って実現できます。 URL部分は適宜書き換えてください。 ...
