

  • 最終更新日:24時間以内
  • 1時間前 -r/emacs: The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.

    Why Emacs?-What does emacs do that...-Who Needs Modern Emacs?-New

    11時間前 -One thing I've just noticed is that unlike Emacs, the Vim community has a healthy collection of online vim games: VimAdventures, VimGolf, Vim-Racer (my personal ...

    11時間前 -Mnemonic keybindings with SPC as the leader key, inspired by spacemacs and doom emacs. The local leader , is used for mode-specific bindings. 5.1. Evil. GitHub ...

    Xah Emacs Blog

    1. http://xahlee.info
    2. emacs
    3. emacs
    4. blog
    1. http://xahlee.info
    2. emacs
    3. emacs
    4. blog

    14時間前 -Xah Emacs Blog · Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Customization · Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Add Keys to Switch Mode · Emacs: Xah Fly Keys, Add a Global Leader Key ·

    6時間前 -Translator on Emacs. Supports multiple engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, ChatGPT, StarDict, Youdao and so on. - lorniu/go-translate.

    19時間前 -Recent changes are added automatically below. By default, only the most recent change is listed for each page. Click List all changes to view all the recent ...

    20時間前 -**Proof General** is a generic interface for *proof assistants* (also known as *interactive theorem provers*), based on the extensible, customizable text editor ...

    23時間前 -I observe a strange behavior in "my" emacs. For some reason the <next> (aka pgdn) key and the <prior> (aka pgup) key are bound to (pager-page-up) and (pager ...

    17時間前 -This package contains a Transient menu for isearch. When in basic isearch mode, this menu can be raised by pressing the <f2> key.


    Emacs(イーマックス、/ˈiːmæks/)は、その拡張性を特徴としたテキストエディタのファミリーである。Emacsの中で最も広く使われている派生物であるGNU Emacsの作者、リチャード・ストールマンは、自身の声明において「たくさん模倣されたオリジナルのEMACSエディタの…-Wikipedia