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  • G Index Calculator

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    2. g-index-calculator
    1. https://calculator.academy
    2. g-index-calculator

    2023/10/2 -G Index Calculator Basic Calculator Advanced Calculator Enter any 3 values to calculate the missing variable Total number of publications Total number of.

    2023/12/4 -The g-index is the highest number achievable when a group of articles, ranked in descending order by citation count, have collectively received at least the ...

    2023/8/29 -"[Given a set of articles] ranked in decreasing order of the number of citations that they received, the g-index is the (unique) largest number such that the ...

    2024/2/1 -The g-index is calculated based on the distribution of citations received by a given researcher's publications, such that: given a set of articles ranked in ...

    2024/1/29 -h-index, g-index, and m-index explained Introducing the h-index, g-index, and m-index – three key tools that help us understand a researcher's influence ...

    2023/6/30 -Figure 2 compares the FCI-G with the range of financial conditions implied by the indexes developed by Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, and the Federal Reserve Banks ...

    English subtitles are available in this video (for more clarity and nonhindi audience). This video discusses in details about g-index in detail (the meaning ...

    YouTube-LIS Learner Hub

    2024/4/15 -More specifically, the g-index corresponds to the highest number g of scientific papers which all together have received g 2 citations or more (Egghe, 2006) .

    2024/5/14 -*albumin in S is multiplied by 10 (g/L). IgG in S is divided by 100 (g/L) to equalize units. S= serum. CSF= cerebrospinal fluid.

    2024/1/26 -The g-index allows highly cited papers to play a larger role in the index, and tends to emphasize visibility and "lifetime achievement." hc-index (contemporary ...

    A.> この関数の その「数式」には、3つの関数が使われています。 match関数が「範囲内の何番目の値を返すか」を決めてるので、そこに1マイナスしてやれば左にずれますよ。 =INDEX(G2:

    A.えっと役職シートのC列に氏名があるのでしょうか? 役職じゃないですか? B列に氏名ですよね? =INDEX(役職!C2:C500,MATCH(G3,役職!B2:B500,0))

    A.次式をAO4セルに入力すると、スピルしてAO4:AO23に値が返されます。 (ご提示の数式と同じ値が返されます。) =IFERROR(INDEX(G:G,1/LARGE((G4:G10000=AO1