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    3. Wakame

    2024/4/16 -Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) is a species of kelp native to cold, temperate coasts of the northwest Pacific Ocean. As an edible seaweed, it has a subtly ...

    人気 No.1





    シンプルな卵とわかめの春雨スープを作りました。工程も少なく、すぐに作ることが出来るので、朝食や夜食などにもぴったりです。 辛味がお好きな方はごま油をラー油に代えても美味しいですよ。ぜひ作ってみてください。



    2024/3/20 -Customers like the quality of the wakame. They say it's the best quality cut they've found in the US, with ideal cut pieces that are not too chewy and not ...

    2024/3/17 -Wakame is a species of edible seaweed or kelp. It has a subtly sweet and spicy, but distinctive flavor and texture. Sea farmers in Japan have grown wakame since ...

    2024/3/27 -Delicious Taste. Sea farmers in Japan have cultivated wakame since the eighth century. It has a subtly sweet but distinctive and robust flavor and texture.

    4時間前 -Premium Hiyashi Wakame Seasoned Seaweed has No MSG and is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as folate, vitamin B2 and manganese.

    2024/2/28 -Wakame is a dark green, edible leafy seaweed/sea vegetable that's been cultivated in Japan and Korea for hundreds of years. Wakame seaweed salad is gaining ...

    2024/5/2 -Shimeji mushrooms and onions give the soup a variety of textures, while the briny saltiness of the wakame provides a hint of flavor from the sea. For more than ...

    2024/4/11 -This hearty, mushroom-flavored miso soup features two kinds of sea vegetables: kombu and wakame, both of which are higher in vitamins.

    2024/3/13 -Large leaves and thin strands, called "thread" wakame (ito-wakame/糸わかめ), should be first cut into 1-2" (3-4 cm) pieces using kitchen shears. Then, rinse and ...

    2024/4/21 -Harvested from the ocean's depths, Ocean's Balance Wakame Whole Leaf is an organic sea vegetable delight. Gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan, this Wakame is ...


    ワカメ(若布、和布、稚海藻、学名: Undaria pinnatifida)は、褐藻綱コンブ目チガイソ科に分類される大型の海藻の1種である。 根のような付着器で岩に付着し、羽状に分岐した葉(葉状体)は膜質で柔らかく食用になる。この藻体は胞子体であり、茎に胞子葉(メカブ)を形成、こ…-Wikipedia