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    2023/12/29 -本日、アサイラムのショップが新しくなりました! リニューアルを記念してセール開催中です \新作春物のセール対象/ https://www.asylum-jp. ... asylum-jp.com/sp ...

    2024/3/26 -According to the Justice Ministry's report, there were 13,823 asylum-seekers who applied for refugee status last year — more than a threefold increase from 2022 ...

    2023/11/30 -The amended bill lifted the suspension of the deportation of asylum seekers who have submitted an asylum application for a third time or more and do not have a ...

    2024/4/5 -Japan will enforce a limit on the number of times foreign nationals can apply for asylum under a new system starting in June, the government said Friday, ...

    2024/4/5 -Japan will enforce a limit on the number of times foreign nationals can apply for asylum under a new system starting in June, the government said Friday, ...

    2024/3/31 -There are approximately 30 refugees taken in by Japan, annually, from areas such as Refugee Camps. Why is it so hard to obtain a refugee status in Japan? In ...