

  • 最終更新日:1年以内
  • 2023/8/17 -The namebluegill comes from the bluish region on the cheek and gill cover. They are a deep, slab-sided (tall and flat) fish with a small mouth.

    bluegill fishing with worms is about as good as it gets! Clear water and giant bluegill on micro fishing setups is my kind of fishing!

    YouTube-Ty PigPatrol

    How to catch bluegill, shellcracker, and panfish from the bank / shore with live worms and bobbers / floats! Bluegill fishing setup, tips, techniques, rigs, ...

    YouTube-Richard Gene The Fishing Machine

    Sight fishing for clear water bluegill, using worms as bait, is about as much fun as it gets! In this video you can see some of these monsters take the bait ...

    YouTube-Ty PigPatrol

    How to find, locate, and catch bluegill with a jig and bobber / float / cork in the spring! Bluegill fishing setup, rigs, with lures, tips, techniques, ...

    YouTube-Richard Gene The Fishing Machine

    2023/7/3 -Yes and no. All bluegills are sunfish, but not all sunfish are bluegills. The bluegill is just one of more than 30 freshwater species that comprise the sunfish ...

    2023/12/15 -Bluegill and hybrid bluegill are farmed primarily for recreational stocking or for forage/bait for larger gamefish, and naturally occur in the wild. Due to over ...

    2023/5/16 -The bluegill, Illinois' state fish, has an average life span of five to six years. The average bluegill weighs one-fourth pound and is eight to 10 inches long.

    2024/4/30 -It is native to North America and lives in streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. It is commonly found east of the Rockies. It usually hides around, and inside, old ...

    2023/7/28 -The bluegill is a member of the sunfish family. It has dark bars, thin and chainlike on small individuals, on a light olive to silver-blue, ...


    動物 (条鰭綱)

    ブルーギル(Bluegill、学名: Lepomis macrochirus) は、サンフィッシュ科に属する淡水魚の一種。北アメリカ大陸原産。同サンフィッシュ科のブラックバス、本種に形態が似たカワスズメ科のティラピア同様、日本でも分布を広げた特定外来生物である。-Wikipedia
