
  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • business 【名】 〔従事している特定の〕業種、職種、業界、ビジネス◇不可算 〔営利事業を行う〕会社、企...【発音!】

    This list of the oldest companies in the world includes brands and companies, excluding associations and educational, government, or religious organizations ...

    Business Fields · Steel Group · Automotive Group · Transportation & Construction Systems Group · Diverse Urban Development Group · Media & Digital Group ...

    the activity of buying and selling goods and services, or a particular company that does this, or work in general rather than pleasure:.

    2日前 -International Business Machines Corp. New Orchard Road. Armonk, New York, NY 10504, US. Get directions. 590 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022, US.

    business【名】職業,家業,事務,業務,仕事,執務... the grocery business:食料雑貨販売業. - 研究社 新英和中辞典...【発音】bíznəs【変化】businesses(複数形) - 1000 ...

    It provides an overview of real-world experiences versus "user" experiences in relation to products, services, mobile, social media, and commerce, among others.

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