

  • 対象とする言語:日本語
  • The term that refers to the way of working such as full-time employee, contract employee, temporary staff, part-time, is called "Employment status" in English.

    2023/2/27 -There has been some debate in recent years as to whether or not the written terms between an alleged independent contractor and the ...

    Employment status refers to the classification as either employed or unemployed. 3. Unemployed, n. and adj. - unemployment, n. 6.

    Employment Status: Champaign County Townships. Township, Population 16 and Over, Population 16 and Over: MOE, In Labor Force (%), In Labor Force (%): MOE ...

    ... employment status"), in consideration of things such as actual employment situations. ... (Conversion into Workers with Standard Employment Status). 第十三条事業 ...

    "employee status"の用例多数 – 単語の意味がわかる英和辞書および英語と日本語の対訳検索エンジン.

    Translations in context of "employment status" in English-Japanese from Reverso Context: Management calls these workers "outsiders" and rejects the union's ...

    Employment Status Survey. Statistics code, 00200532. Description. Theme (major classification), Labor and Wages. Theme (minor classification), Labour Force.

    健康、雇用の状況、稼得能 36 力、雇用可能性に 影響を及ぼすリスクや、長期就労不能、社会的排除に繋がる恐れのあるリスク がその対象となるリスクと言える。

    Conclusion: Among middle-aged working Japanese women, employment status was associated with self-rated health; non-regular employees and self-employed workers ...

    A.一つ前の文から意訳してみると理解しやすいです。 The study considered many factors that cause mental health problems. Thes...

    A.法学部なら司法試験合格、 経済・商なら公認会計士合格だと思います。 社会は教員でしょうか(官公庁に含まれるかどうかはわかりません)。

    A.データベースは、人口統計学の変数(例えば年齢、性、婚姻の状態と仕事ステータス)を含みました; 医学的なfacto 東海岸癌臨床試験グループ(ECOG)基準、ガン診断の発表、脳転移、入院患者のまた...